Saturday, December 5, 2009

Topps Unique... not really feeling the "Unique-ness"

2009 Topps Unique Baseball Hobby Box - Click Image to Close

Hey guys, Drew back here, today I saw a few breaks of Topps Unique 2009 Baseball. Before I continue, by now many of you know that one of our own is leaving the blogosphere, Mario of Wax Heaven. I was very surprised to hear the news, and it is really unfortunate, the main card news source is leaving. Well, still got SCU, Stale Gum, Trader Cracks, and all the other news informers.

So, back to Unique, a much anticipated release finally came out. What is the deal with 2008 products coming out in the winter, seriously? Well, we better start from scratch. The base cards are so-so on me, some look nice, and others not as much. It's kinda bland/plain from Topps, and the inserts don't really do much for me. And how Unique is Unique? Not very.

In fact, we've seen some of these UNIQUE things in many other products this year and in past years, like this example:

Triple Threads Bat Knob
Topps Unique Bat Knob

Logo Patches, Laundry Tags, Buttons, and sticker autographs have been a part of so many sets that the whole "Unique" thing goes horribly wrong. But.... I actually like the look of this stuff some how. It has a relatively low price for what you get, plus the patches look awesome, and it has a pretty strong lineup. I like the idea of matching logos and pictures with the colors of the patches too, like how Josh Hamilton is in a Devil Ray uniform, and the patch matches up with the logo/picture. It seems like a set Topps made for some of their "left overs" from past years. Lots of older jerseys seemed to be used, plus Upper Deck does more with buttons, and Topps must've had a dumpload of them just sitting around.

All things considered, you get a lot of well designed cards, all for about $100. Considering it has plenty of high end potential, that isn't a bad deal. Without touching a single card yet grade: B+

1 comment:

  1. everyone has been really harsh on the "Unique" aspect of this product. Sure the product isn't terribly unique but then again baseball cards have utilized almost every idea that I could possibly dream up for a card. This set doesn't seem to come up with new "uniqueness", rather it re-uses some of the most unique ideas that have been applied to cards in the past. It seems hard to ask for more than that, since innovation in baseball cards seems to be approaching its reasonable limits.


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