Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Small Award Update

Hey guys, Drew back here, just a quick announcement on the polls. First off, we've gotten around 10 votes so far, including most of the panel, so not many others. Take the time out and please vote!!! About the polls, there will be 2 different polls that will run for 2 days until the 31st, so we are going to have polls for these. Anyone in the panel, please don't vote for the poll, since you are emailing me them. So, everyone not in the judges panel, you will vote for these in a poll:

Athlete of the Year/ Coach of the Year- December 21st-23rd
Baseball Product of the Year/ Football Product of the Year- 23rd-25th
Baseball Insert of the Year/ Football Insert of the Year- 25th-27th
Baseball Autographed Set of the Year/Football Autographed Insert Set of the Year 27th-29th
Sports Moment of the Year- 29th-31st

If you sent me your votes already, vote for the polls because I'm not counting your votes through email for those awards, although I am counting your YouTube/Blog voting, just do the poll.

And, for the people that haven't sent me an email yet, please pick winners for as many of these as you can:

Blog of the Year
Rookie Blog of the Year
Blog Trader of the Year
Blog Box Breaker of the Year
Most Creative Blogger
Coolest Blog Design

YouTuber of the Year
Rookie YouTuber of the Year
YouTube Trader of the Year
YouTube Box Breaker of the Year
Most Creative YouTuber
Coolest YouTube Channel

Nominees can be found here

Please email your votes to yanks1996wsc@gmail.com, and do the polls on the sidebar! See Ya!


  1. I think you're making this too complicated. why not just have all the polls up from now until the end of the year?


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