Thursday, June 14, 2012

Full Return To The Hobby Starting Next Tuesday!

Hey everyone, Drew back here! It's been forever, I know. I miss you all a lot, and miss writing as much as I can. But, no need to take me off your blogrolls just yet, as I'll be returning full time starting Tuesday, once all of my finals are done. All trades I owe people will be sent out, TTMs will be sent, and I'll begin recapping all of the stuff I've gotten in over the past month. Until then, wish me luck on my Biology and Trigonometry Regents tests!

See ya soon everyone!


  1. Glad to hear you'll be back soon, Drew! I know how strenuous finals week can be, believe me.

  2. Good luck, glad to have ya back! Email me about a trade, I have a bunch of stuff for ya!

  3. ABOUT TIME!!!!!!!!! Just kidding buddy. Hope you aced the finals.


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