Here's a look of the base cards. Definitely did not expect this design to show up, as I've never seen it before. I'll have to see more than just one of my favorite player's base cards before I judge, but I think it looks pretty nice.

Here are a few mini inserts, one looking to be of flowers. Yawn.

A cemetary set? That is depressing!

Here's a preview of the new autographed cards for this product, this year they're sporting a dark blue border with red flowers in the corners. Each year the design maybe changes a little in color, but I seem to like it more and more every year. This looks similar but better than 2009 Allen & Ginter's framed cards, so that could be a plus.

Tennis great John McEnroe also got a card this season!

And we'll finish off with this beauty. Woah.
Thoughts? See Ya!
Thoughts? See Ya!