Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Worst Autograph Bracket FILLED!!!

Hey guys, Drew back here, and we filled the list! So, very similarly to Stale Gum's Gimmick Tournament, the 4 bloggers (if you haven't read them please check them out) are going to pick a region and name it, and do a NCAA-esk bracket. Right now the #1's are Tim Lincecum, Vernand Morency, Jason Jennings, and Chris Johnson. So, once the polls start going in a few days, please vote your butt off to help us out!

Finally, the 4 bloggers that will do 1 region each for this tournament are:


Please check out the other 3 blogs because they will all be helping out. Thanks guys and have fun voting! By the way, just click on the picture to see the matchups, I know it's blurry. See Ya!


  1. I am so depressed that I just found out about this...I am gonna go home and drink...next time.


  2. HaHa! Go Geronimo Go!!!! And I got the cards today Drew, thank you very much!!!


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