Tuesday, March 9, 2010

TTM #6- A Survivor

Hey guys, Drew back here, and I'm pretty psyched, well, last Monday when I got this package. Let me tell you all a little story, so get comfortable and start reading, haha.

I sent 5 cards and an index card out to this player last year (Yes, I was greedy). The player is not a big name in baseball but is pretty good, and is very well known to you TTMers out there. I sent the cards to the team address, but, I forgot that this player was injured while I sent it, rehabbing in single A. So.... I basically thought I was screwed, especially since I sent it along with 2 others in September I think.

Sure enough, this guy must've brought his mail with him to Fort Lauderdale, cuz my cards came back, all signed!

PAT NESHEK!!! He signed every single thing I sent him, surprised he didn't sign the stinkin envelope, this guy is awesome! The 09 A&G came out pretty nice, the 08 Upper Deck looks sweet and so does the 09 Topps. The 08 Topps is ok, the picture wasn't that great in the first place. However, my favorite was this one...

I've seen him do this before, and I think that's why I sent it. Not only did Mr. Neshek sign the card, but he also inscribed it with his birthdate and hometown, because the card has to do with him being from Wisconsin. Sweet!

Lastly, he signed an index card for me. It got a little dinged up on the way here, so I'm gonna make a nice cut signature for it, but it may be difficult because he signed so big! The last thing I'll do is cut it to make it fit, so I'll do anything to make this cut work!

Thanks Pat so much for taking out the time to sign for me!!! You can check him out on his blog, link here. He collects cards and has a super PC of this Neshek guy, so if you have anything for his PC then send it to the Twins. See Ya!

PS: Sent 5 TTM's out today, 4 spring trainings. It may be a little late, but I'm tryin!


  1. Awesome dude. He was born exactly 10 days before me. Woo Hoo.

  2. Amazing! That is one of the reasons that I collect Neshek. I think he is a great pitcher, I love his delivery, but you have to appreciate a big league player that signs like he does. He has a sweet sig, too. He rules because of that! I sent to him once and only sent him one card, I think I need to get a letter out to him before the spring is over... Nice take Drew!

  3. Great success! Gotta love Pat!


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