Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mmmmmmmm... A Breakfest Buffet!

Hey guys, Drew back here, with some more mail. Well, Tuesday night I wrote an essay, Wednesday I wrote the final copy of that essay, and tonight I wrote another essay. yay. At least the torture is over, oh wait, a few more projects for the weekend doesn't help. If I get time since I'm ahead after the record mail week, after this. I do have cards from Justin of Is This a Wasteland, but I'll get to those when I get the supposed second package from him to combine them. Today, hopefully the last mailday post for a few days, I know if you're not involved in these packages that you must be bored of my posts, but I like giving shoutouts to bloggers who try to help me out, and that's what I'm gonna keep doing. Anyway, Mike from BA Benny's Baseball Card Buffet emailed me wondering if I wanted some set needs for an auto, and I said sure! I typically don't like trading hits for base but I do need those cards so I accepted it. Here are the cards, check them out:

16 Cards from 2010 Topps, and boy, I just joined the ranks of the people who thought that Berkman/Hampton card is kinda weird. They look a little too close. The Mags is pretty sharp and the Phillips seems to have a strange picture. It looks really dark wherever he is on that card, might be Wrigley Field but I don't know. The picture just kinda stands out.

When I opened my box of 2008 Donruss Threads at Christmas, I was upset that I got 98 of the 100 base cards, and I needed the last few, for a while, until now. Bob Feller and Lucas Duda. One guy I've heard of, one guy I've never heard. The Feller is tempting to send out TTM, but since I need it for the set I'll stick with my custom card.

Thanks so much for the help Mike, and everyone be sure to check out his blog! See Ya!

1 comment:

  1. Nice cards, the lance berkman scares me though


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