Sunday, November 8, 2009

Trade with Beardy!

Hey guys, Drew back here. I've been working on my wantlists for 2009 Yankees cards I don't have plus the Cano wantlist, and Swisher will be started once Cano is finished. My Yankees PC is pretty big now, with at least 25 hits, 15 numbered cards, rookie cards of almost every current Yankee, 100 + 2009 cards, and over 75 cards of A-Rod & Jeter. It's pretty good looking right now, and now it looks even better. Beardy and I have been planning a big trade for an awful long time now. A lot of "hits" were involved, you'll see on his blog those "hits". But I got some awesome stuff, I traded him a few mixed 60's and 70's Orioles and he really liked them. Here are the 23 scans of every single one of those 85 cards Beardy sent me yesterday. Enjoy!

PS, Beardy got 2.5 points on the contest leaderboard!

1 comment:

  1. nice haul. cool video. Beardy is one of the coolest, no doubt... sounds like yer collection is getting pretty big and pretty awesome!


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