Saturday, August 29, 2009

Mailday & Vintage Cards from Pop Popps Pt. 8

Hey guys, Drew back here, with some new additions to my collections and such. Sorry about the lac of posts, I've been busy & lazy, not a good mix as a blogger. Anyway, I am now expecting 2 more packages, after getting the 2nd of 4 trades I recently made. This one is from "pooncha" on the blowout card forum, who is a pretty experienced trader on the site. We made a 1 for 1 card deal, I traded my Jesse Crain Beam Team auto for this:

Sorry for the terrible picture, it looks similar to the one under it.

My best friend Mike slept over last night too and we made a jersey card trade, (he needs them so I hook him up with them in 2 for 1's, just to boost his collection) my 2008 Allen & Ginter Brad Hawpe jersey and a random Jeremy Burnitz Bat card for a 2008 UD Baseball Heroes relic of Rich Harden /200 and a few parallels. I know its not a fair trade but he needs those to boost up his collection.

Lastly, I got some cards from my Pop Popps about a half an hour ago, many vintage base, 62 to be exact, all from the 1970-1975 era, mostly 71 Topps and 73 Topps. Here are the Hall of Famers and other nice highlights:

So, please bare with me as I slowly work my way back to normal blogging. Thanks, and see ya!

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