Sunday, May 10, 2009

2008 UD Baseball Heroes Review Part 2

Alright guys, time for the grading. Here we go:

2008 Upper Deck Baseball Heroes PRODUCT REVIEW

I love this design. It has a high end and low end kind of look. And now, I'm the master at these cards, since I recently completed the base set, and I love the collation of the rookies, veterans, and legends. The design at times looks like a cheap set, but also at times it looks really nice. It is one of my favorite 2008 card designs for baseball. Grade: A

The price is fantastic! Boxes can be found for about $60, but I bought my box for $52 from Blowout Cards during their weekend deals. For the amount of stuff you get, this is the perfect price. Some other equally good products from last year should drop to a price around this. Grade: A+
I have seen horrible boxes of this before, but I've made out like a bandit so far! A Chipper Jones Patch Auto #ed/15, a Bob Gibson Relic, and a Carlos Beltran Patch! So, in this box, I was surprised to keep the streak going with Mike's Steve Carlton Jersey Auto #ed/10! I pulled a nice Bob Gibson/Jake Peavy dual game used #ed 1/50 as well, and the hits after that that we got are currently going for cheap on eBay. Although Mike's Rich Harden game used is numbered out of 200, one numbered out of 50 is going for $4 on ebay! My Kevin Kouzmanoff relic can be found for $1! So, I've been lucky, but I can't grade the hits real well because many boxes I have seen haven't had anything good. Grade: B

This product is one of my faves. It has a great price and great results, similar to 2008 UD Piece of History! I like the cards as well, and the parallels blow me away, especially the red. So, if you want to see my 1st part of the review, here it is. I now have the whole set and I am real happy! I think this spectacular was the best one so far, with the Bowman's Best box, and this one, I was really happy with the results, and Mike is really happy with the Carlton. Overall Grade: A

Thanks for looking and see ya! By the way, I just sent out my Mussina TTM, and found so many more great addresses on, so I'll have more TTm's in the future, and some cool ones as well. I will also creat my own personalized card set, and maybe a cut signature set using my autographed index cards from future TTm's. Lastly, I have a great idea for finding out how to see the inside of a rip card from Allen & Ginter involving a scanner. So stay tuned for that stuff, and see ya!

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