Whats up, This is Drew (drewscards) here. I used to be on Youtube with card videos, and I try to make it fun and entertaining. I love opening boxes of cards because no matter what the expectations are, you don't know who you'll get or if you get more than expected (a hot box). I got my experience in a short period of time, and I learned from umiami89, chri5784, KTcards, KarlsKards, squeepa21, armyatc22, and thebackstopdotnet on Youtube. I try to go out to Target and try to pack search every once in a while, since it isn't necessarily a crime for a 12 year old to steal the fun of cards from adults. It is only bad for it to be the opposite way around. Plus, I'm not good at it, so it really doesn't matter . I am a Yankees and Jets fan, and collect much of their stuff. I have over 13,000 cards in my collection, and I'm planning to get way more in the future. Check out my pics and my blog to see how I do, and see ya!